Fit Friend Friday - Simon Pepper

Simon is an athlete, dad and coach based in the UAE. who competes and performs at a high level in the Spartan 40-44 Age Group Category. He’s a regular on the podium and packed his 2019 with travels to race all around the world, including taking on and crushing the challenge of the Sweden 24 hour Ultra. Simon takes on the ME champs in a few weeks and we know he’s gonna kill it!

Your name: Simon Pepper

Age: 43 🤫 

How did you first get in to OCR?
Moved to the desert & found the list of fun things to do was ‘limited’ so signed up for an OCR ran by Men’s Heath ME


What is your favourite race or OCR experience?
Has to be the 24 hr ultra in Sweden, a surreal experience to compete with so many top OCR athletes in the most spectacular surroundings. 

Favourite obstacle?
Any HEAVY carry

Biggest achievement? Sporting achievement?
Qualification for Worlds, Ultra worlds, Trifecta worlds and European champs all in one year.


Personal achievement?
If I get 1 person to train with me for an OCR to better themselves then that is the best achievement . 

OCR must have item?
Wet wipes for the race village portaloo 🤣 & Salt tablets

Favourite post race snack?
Pizza with Spaghetti Carbonara on top.


When is your next race and why did you choose it?
Middle East Championships in Al Ain, UAE.  Chose it to qualify for the World Championships

What is your workout mantra / favourite saying when things get tough?
I’ve battled through more than this in life, I’m not going to quit.
