Fit Friend Friday - Gordon Cameron

Gordon aka Uncle G has been crushing races in SEA and the Middle East over the last few years, securing a multitude of podiums and crushing the times of younger athletes. Despite the cancellation of the MEA Champs at the end of the month Gordon is focussed on taking out his goals in 2020. When races are back up and running you can count on seeing Uncle G smiling at the finish line with a beer in hand and probably a cooler filled with more nearby.

Your name: Gordon Cameron (Uncle G) @gordiecam66

Age: 53 and a half

How did you first get in to OCR?
I only started running 5 years ago with my first 10K race in Singapore. I was looking to see what I could follow it up with when I came across this thing called Spartan Race, the rest is history. I podiumed in the Elite Masters in my 3rd race and was hooked ever since.


What is your favourite race or OCR experience?
There has been quite a few to choose from but I think Bright in Australia was probably the best. A great weekend with the crazies from #teamsuperfit all in the same house and racing the Spartan Ultra, good times. Runner up would be Battle by the Bay as it was completely for fun (and we won S$200).

Favourite obstacle?
Must be the Spear as my hit rate is better than my competition 😊

Biggest achievement? Sporting achievement?
Podium every year for 5 straight years. 2017 APAC Champs 3rd Elite Masters, 2018 SEA Champs 3rd place AG, 2019 MEA champs 3rd place AG.


OCR must have item?
Lucky LuluLemon shorts and VJ shoes

Favourite post race snack?
Beer (You had to ask?)


When is your next race and why did you choose it?
Was supposed to be the MEA Championships but its been cancelled. Really no idea at the moment but I am training for some upcoming assessments just to have a short term goal.

What is your workout mantra / favourite saying when things get tough?
DISIPLINE is a decision, while MOTIVATION is about feelings.

If you have discipline you can keep going, regardless if you feel motivated or not!
