Fit Friend Friday: The Quarantine Questions - Faliq Rahman

Faliq a.k.a The Prata King a.k.a The 2nd most handsome man in OCR is this week’s fit friend Friday. A top SGX coach in Singapore, Spartan Singapore OG, Brand Ambassador and all around great guy, you’re sure to have seen Faliq helping his teammates at a race or during training. Never without a smile Faliq is always at OCR events to give tips and tricks or recommendations on where to find the best Prata nearby!

Name: Faliq Rahman

Age: 35

IG Handle: @Faliq_OCR

What is your day job? 
Head Coach at The Zone Gym


What is your fitness background? 
ZUU L1 & 2
Spartan SGX L1
WAKO Kickboxing L1
World OCR L1
Sports Massage
Les Mills GRIT

First OCR Race: 
Urbanathlon (Singapore), it's a local event which unfortunately discontinued. Maybe due to lack of sponsorship. However, that's the best OCR Singapore has to offer before other local events came into the scene.

How did you first get in to OCR? 
After I was bored with full marathon! HAHA 'Coz I thought 42.5km Run was FUN. So I looked out for much challenging and FUN sports, and that's when I met OCR on YouTube. It was Spartan Race! but sadly they have yet to reach Asia at that point of time. Luckily there was Urbanathlon in Singapore for me to join. Since then I started to travel around for races, mostly in Malaysia such as; Viper Challenge, MAD Warriors, etc.

What keeps you coming back? 
The love for the sport ultimately! The obstacles, the camaraderie, the FUN 🤩

What's your favourite cheat day snack? 

What change have you made during COVID that you're going to keep?
I've never conducted online class before. So that's the change I've made during COVID. Started online classes for my gym members.
So I am to continue to conduct online classes, even after we're done with COVID. This will be able to accommodate to those who couldn't come to the gym but still want to attend the class.
Have you set yourself any personal goals or challenges to replace racing currently? 
Oh yes! Trying my best to get back my sub 30 for my 5km 

How are you staying focused on training with all current events postponed? 
Keeping the routine on going and set mini goals! 

What is your top tip for sticking to a schedule? 
Always plan ahead! Have a backup plan! 

Favourite item of kit and why? 
Naked Running Band! Been running with it thanks to Reddot Running Co. It sticks to your waist, no bouncy feeling so your run will be smoother, and makes you forget that you actually wearing them too? Lol 🤪


Favourite nutrition product and why? 
Revvies Energy Strips! It's my emergency caffeine if I'm lazy to brew my black coffee. It's all about convenience.
CrampFix! It's my magic potion! I was known to have bad cramps during my long distance races such as; Spartan Beast or Ultra. CrampFix is my go to, even though I know it's just for temporary relief but I love it coz it works... Fast! so I will always have it with me during my long runs.
Tailwind's REBUILD RECOVERY! Talking about convenience again... Once you're done with your intense workout and you didn't prep any food for your post workout. This is All you need, all day. Really 

Favourite fitness book / app and why? 
GARMIN Connect! Just to check on my progress from my trainings. Somehow it helped me in terms of setting new mini goals 

Do you have any words / advice for people struggling to stay motivated? 
Be a KID, and PLAY! Only then you will have FUN! 🤡

Any sponsors, brands or people you'd like to shout out too?
TEAM GRIT OCR for having me as your Fit Friend Friday! 
Spartan Race Singapore for having me as their brand ambassador for the 2nd year! 🥰🥰🥰
Reddot Running Co. & Jeri Chua for having me as their Team RDRC ambassador 
OCR Singapore for having me as their Panel Coach! 🥳🥳🥳

Last but not least...

Jessie & Sean, I'm going to miss you both so much! 
